Vagilize meaning and definition

Vagilize meaning

To make something more feminine. Effeminate. With the root word being Vag as in Vagina.

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vagilla meaning

Vanilla flavored vag juice

vagillant meaning

on the look-out for pussy

vagillate meaning

Verb: vacillating between the same few exes; a girl that keeps going back and having sex with the same few exes.A friend of mine was married to a guy and got divorced, started dating a new guy, broke up with him and got back together with her ex-husband, broke up with him again and went back to the "new" guy. She calls it recycling, we call it vagillating.

vagillating meaning

vagina + vascillating = vagillating. When a PMS'ing woman is being an indecisive princess. Related to male condition of manstration but with indecision.

Vagilli meaning

A form of the "Wet Willie", when you substitute saliva with vaginal juices and stick it in someone's ear.

Vagillify meaning

A Vagina that turns evil after being hate fucked numerous times.

vagillion meaning

A number equaling roughly 3.1 billion or the world female population.

vagillionaire meaning

Someone that has had sex with 1,000,000 or greater women.

Vagillium meaning

A thick toxic vaginal discharge with rotten mayonaise appearance that can burn a hole through your underwear, jeans, and teeth. You can recognize this gel from its distinctive raw sewage odor that can be smelt from at least a hundred yards away.

vagillow meaning

A vagina used as a pillow