Vac Bag meaning and definition

Vac Bag meaning

Ben, Shut the F@#$ Up

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vac ban meaning

VAC stands for Valve Anti-Cheat, an automated system designed to detect cheats installed on users' computers.

vacbed meaning

amazing device that seals you up in latex sheets.

vacca meaning

Vacca is an Italian word meaning cow, but also used in a vulgarly or insulting way for female. The variation in English can be : SLUT

vaccarezza meaning

somebody who resembles a llama a turd

vaccata meaning

something is a "vaccata" if it's really really silly, nearly a nonsense

vaccident meaning

When a flu vaccine killed more people then the actual flu did.

vaccinate meaning

1. To give a vaccine. 2. Argentinian slang, used a lot by Maradona, which roughly translate to "fuck", in both senses of the word.

vaccinated with a Victrola needle meaning

Indicates someone is talkative; joking reference to needle on phonographs.

vaccinater meaning

People who righteously fight to eradicate preventable diseases from their communities by bravely allowing qualified medical professionals inject them and their offspring with antibodies triumphantly developed in laboratories in order to trigger an immune response sufficient enough to protect them from said preventable disease.