VacaN1g meaning and definition

VacaN1g meaning

VacaN1g is a forum troll-goblin. any forum that is near, never fear this troll-goblin will appear.

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Vacancette meaning

Période non travaillée comprenant généralement le samedi et le dimanche.

vacancy meaning

1. An empty, or unoccupied place 2. A horror movie about a man and woman who rent a motel room and find that the motel has a hidden snuff business.

vacanesia meaning

vacanesia (n.) vak-uh-nee-zuh - Condition occurring upon returning to work after a vacation during which the increased number and intensity of hours causes one to forget the recent time off ever occurred

vacankles meaning

Vacation cankles.On long flights, a combination of cabin pressure, dehydration, and poor circulation, causes some people get swollen feet and ankles, causing them to have vacankles when they get to their destination.

vacano meaning

Used in Columbia and parts of Venezuela

Vacant meaning

A map in call of duty 4, the greatest game ever made. This map is small and confined, therefore shotguns and assault rifles are good choices for this map.

Vacant Balls meaning

A break up via text message, IM, MySpace, Facebook, etc. The person is lacking any balls to break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend in person.Can be used in past tense as "Vacant Balls'd"

vacant bird meaning

a retarded woman.

VacantHead meaning

A fucking idiot who knows nothing about the words Berserk and Mohawk

vacant house meaning

when you get to a party and the DJ is playing some boring uns uns beats and nobody is dancing.