vacuum cleaner man meaning and definition

vacuum cleaner man meaning

Man who wants to inspect your tits.

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vacuum-cleaner salesman meaning

Someone who fast-talks a line of canned bullshit, convinced that those who hear it take it as gospel truth.

Vacuumed meaning

Vacuumed is to get an abortion.orVacuumed is when you've had liposuction. From the slang Fat Vac.

vacuum fairy meaning

An early pregnancy termination clinic, usually located in downtown areas

vacuum fart meaning

the action of sucking air into your booty and pushing it back out as a fart

vacuum herding meaning

Using a vacuum to herd people in a certain direction-- mostly at retail work places when you want to close but there are stragglers still trying to shop halfheartedly just to piss you off. (That's what it seems, like, anyway.)Turn on that vacuum and vacuum in such a way that in order to avoid the loud noise, the customers move closer to the exits.(Not a technique to be used when the boss is around.)

vacuum hicky meaning

A hicky that one gives oneself, since they are too pathetic to even get a hicky from another person.

Vacuum Ho meaning

When a ho sleeps with you to collect your spoo and then visits a spa or clinic to have your seed vacuumed out and given to another gal who wants to have your child without you knowing it. Also known as a collection agent in the pro ho biz.

vacuum implosion meaning

1. The act of forcefully and willingly inhaling one’s own flatulence for the sake of one’s reputation; the self mutilation of one’s lungs. To breathe deeply of your own fart, lest any particle of the filthy emission is left for another to detect. Often followed by heavy panting, bloodshot eyes, and in some rare cases, delayed vomiting. This act is most often performed in the office, seconds before a manager decides to stop by your cube to ask you a question. Also, the technique is employed while riding in motor vehicles with persons of the opposite sex, or any occasion where the fantastic brand of air biscuit needs to be concealed and dissipated. May lead to downs.

Vacuumin meaning

The term given to the act of sexual intercourse with a vacuum cleaner.

Vacuuming meaning

masturbation with a vacuum