vagility meaning and definition

vagility meaning

The power a vagina has over a male; a female's ability to make a male do something. Every female has this power and often use it on unsuspecting males.

vagility meaning

1. (noun) exceptional talent and voraciousness in the service of prodigious cock. See also: vagile

vagility meaning

Vaginal Agility. The vagina's ability to adapt and conform to all shapes and sizes with ease (or the lack of.)

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Vagility Factor meaning

(n.) Used by women to indicate the quality and quantity of attractive men at a given place during a specific period. 2. measure of vaginal wetness induced by a man.

Vagilize meaning

To make something more feminine. Effeminate. With the root word being Vag as in Vagina.

vagilla meaning

Vanilla flavored vag juice

vagillant meaning

on the look-out for pussy

vagillate meaning

Verb: vacillating between the same few exes; a girl that keeps going back and having sex with the same few exes.A friend of mine was married to a guy and got divorced, started dating a new guy, broke up with him and got back together with her ex-husband, broke up with him again and went back to the "new" guy. She calls it recycling, we call it vagillating.

vagillating meaning

vagina + vascillating = vagillating. When a PMS'ing woman is being an indecisive princess. Related to male condition of manstration but with indecision.

Vagilli meaning

A form of the "Wet Willie", when you substitute saliva with vaginal juices and stick it in someone's ear.

Vagillify meaning

A Vagina that turns evil after being hate fucked numerous times.

vagillion meaning

A number equaling roughly 3.1 billion or the world female population.

vagillionaire meaning

Someone that has had sex with 1,000,000 or greater women.