vagina, ass, dick, shoot meaning and definition

vagina, ass, dick, shoot meaning

Vagina, Ass, Dick, Shoot is an amazing game. It is a variation of rock, paper, scissor, shoot, or Rochambeau. In this game, you call out, Vagina, Ass, Dick, and Shoot. When you call shoot, you show whatever your doing. Vagina beats ass because vagina can shoot a baby at ass, and dick beats vagina because dick can poke vagina. Also, ass beats dick because ass can suffocate dick. This game was invented by a few kidsfrom Avonworth Middle School. They we're looking for a variation on the game Rock, Paper, Scissor, Shoot, which they used to see who would take out the trash.

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Vagina Asshole meaning

Somebody who is a vagina asshole. An insult, used by stupid teenage boys in ghetto brown neighborhoods.

Vagina Attack meaning

Noun1. A females cycle 2. A week of the month when a female is very angry, emotional, and has cravings for fattenng foods. 3. When a female shows extreme ammounts of anger towards other people ussualy males 4. A time when men should run in terror

vagina awesome meaning

something that is super awesome, as mentioned on the Giant Bombcast.

Vagina Babble meaning

Using the privilage of speech with little to no thought and too much emotion.

Vaginabacon meaning

Bacon made from the extra skin from the Vagina

vagina badge meaning

when one does something exceptionally feminine i.e. freak out when they break a nail, cry at movies, etc

vagina badger meaning

Someone that who has easy access to vagina.

vagina bag meaning

A walking vagina big enough to fit hundreds of cocks at the same time.

Vagina-Bagel meaning

When referring to the score of any game if it is scoreless. 0-0 and therefore Vagina-Bagel. The pun stresses the similarities between said vaginas and bagels. Also can be used to express the meaningless of one's life.

Vagina Bagging meaning

The sorting of and storing of used, battered vaginas.