W00tish meaning and definition

W00tish meaning

Crazy happiness! Insane joy. Something that is awesome that doesn't happen very often.

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w00tism meaning

the religion in which one strives to be as awesome as the mythical Bradmonkey The greatest being in existence through prayer meditation and chanting of the great 5 words "i want an elephant now" noone nows exactly what these words mean but all we know is that they invoke the power of W00T the almighty power to grant awesomeness.

w00tiz meaning

This is a way to express a happiness, or a excited way to say, hell yeah!

w00t juice meaning

Teh l33t h4x0r's crunk juice...instead of mixing an energy drink with an alcoholic beverage, one mixes an energy drink with preferrably caffeinated soda, thus making w00t juice. Called "w00t juice" because it gives you the caffeine-and-sugar-high that makes your brain go 'w00t!'.

w00tl3z meaning

An exclamation, expression extreme joy.

w00tles meaning

Another way to say w00t.

w00tm0053 meaning

Wootmoose w-OO-TE MOO-CE n. a. More commonly spelt, w00tm0053. b. Used in conjection with, Hot Pockets. c. A term for someone that means nothing.

w00tmon meaning

The Jamaican way to say w00t (an expression of happiness or excitement)

w00tn3ss meaning

A harder, yet cooler way to spell wootness, which is used to express excitment. woot wootness w00t

w00tn3zz meaning

The term referring to the base word, "w00t". The"n3zz" portion is to add more emphasis to the reason why you have said w00t in the first place.

w00tnabe meaning

(n), A wannabe 1337. May refer to people who speak poor 1337 or use 1337 in inappropriate situations.