w0wza meaning and definition

w0wza meaning

A stupid way to express a ''wow'' feeling.

Read also:

w0x meaning

Adj. Awesome Int. Rocks history: Created in the brain of Matt Parsons

w0x0r meaning

Int. w0x with emphasis

w101 meaning

Stands for the online game Wizard 101.

w117 meaning

being so awesome or campaigning for the wii that you are w117 (refers to 1337)

w124 meaning

The model name for the series of mercedes benz created through the year 1985-1995. Any of the following e class series throughout those years are named part of the branch w124

W13 meaning

A slightly mad man, creator of Runescape Community, he rules with an iron fist. No care of desire for those that support and make him, he does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Known to wear his pajamas inside out.

w1ck3d_c10wn meaning

Some newb on irc that makes up words

w1cked meaning

Someone that is really noob in a e-sport game.

W1K meaning

The short url for worth 1000 (the best website ever).

W1ld meaning

An description for a extreme e-rager. Often ragers at other people in games because he can. Usually uses phrases and internet memes to get his points across. Subject usually acts the complete opposite in real life. Uses the internet as a way to take his virginity out on everyone.Also known to be virgins in real life even way after the age of constent.