waagwaan meaning and definition

waagwaan meaning

A greeting commonly used in the UK amoungst gang members.

waagwaan meaning

Jamaican slang for greeting someone: English- "Whats going on?".Increasingly popular in London, New York, Florida and Canada.

waagwaan meaning

Wa a Gwaan is the same thing as saying whats going on and it is used by most jamaicans or other islanders

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waah meaning

Meaning similar to "Hell YEA!" or used to express that something is legit or awesome.

Waahfest meaning

Lots of people talking, not listening to each other and rehashing old arguments, but settling nothing.

waahm meaning

Sarcastic mock of someone bitching about something

Waahmbulance meaning

Like an "ambulance" you would say your calling one of these when someone is being a total fucking pussy and whining.

Waahn meaning

the sound that is released by a dying giraffe.

wa-ah-oh meaning

three sound which put together allow you to vocal scratch. different variations of the sound and order allow other words to be included for 'vocal scratching

WAAHsturbate meaning

Using one's tears as a lubrication for masturbation.

Waah Waah Page meaning

The act of creating a website or Facebook page for the specific purpose of complaining.

Wa ai ni meaning

I Love You (in chinese)

waaka meaning

waaka , a term for beating meat, masturbating , or a sound made in the process