waakaa meaning and definition

waakaa meaning

(A colloquialism from Mandarin Chinese) Word describing surprise introduced into English from Chinese immigrants. Oh, Shit! Oh, My God!

waakaa meaning

its a webpage on www.waakaa.tk about everythink! i thnk its gr8t. recommended to see and it has lots of games on the links and downloads part!!!

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waak the daag meaning

Used to described doing nothing and being bored doing it - part of the 'eliminate the L' campaign of speech impediment lingo. Can be interpreted as 'Walk the Dog' (doing nothing) or 'Wack the Dag' (masturbating). Is said with a Baaston slur (like the ad campaign for Maker's Mark which spelled the name Makeh's Maak) See also: Cackwatch

Waakvarken meaning

Ugly, usually meaty, girl that keeps guys away from her mostly better looking female friends. Reason for this behavior is mostly jealousy.OrWhen a guy goes out with a female friend, she keeps away the girls.

WAAL meaning

Women African American Lesbians acronym

Waala meaning

A rotund man who likes to mozy about in sweat pants snaffling cake at the earliest opportunity. Man who is like koala bear. Likes sleep and eating - his favourite activities!

Waaler meaning

last name. always mispronounced: whale-er. actually: wall-er.

waalex meaning

not a gimp i take back wat i said but your mum is a gimp

waalkes meaning

A) to fuck a vagina until it disapears B) rip it and grip it C) putting an object in ones peehole D) do dance with ones pubes exposed particularly to Dan Gellerman

waam meaning

waam is the same as Wagwan, and wagwan is what's going on shortened

waa mate meaning

word widely used to convey overjoy and excitement

Waambulance meaning

something you say to your friends when they need to suck it up and take it like a man.