Waasick meaning and definition

Waasick meaning

"Waasick", or Waazick. Generally derived from Northern Irish or Ulster Scot's Slang. An insult, insinuating that an individual is simple, dim witted or particularly incompetent.Also a slight on ones appearance, or any other example of a persons ineptitude or retard-like behavior.

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waasted meaning

way past wasted drunk

wAAt meaning

used as an alternative to w00t, also randomly used to annoy people or say hello

waatahhh meaning

The Asian way of saying water

Waa-waa meaning

The sound a trombone with a mute makes. The trombone often being played by a man with sunglasses and a berret. Two consecutive notes in a row, the first being higher than the second. Only used when someone does something dumb.

Waa-Waa No meaning

A term used to describe emergency contraception when on vacation, and an english speaking pharmacy cannot be found.

WAAWLI meaning

An acronym for "What An Age We Live In", a form of exclamation at the state of society or technology, and its remarkable advancements.A true statement of wonder at the world we live in, WAAWLI.

waax meaning

Pronounced w-o-x or walks. An ambiguous word often used to describe beautiful women, how good something is or used in conjuction with "shine" to go somewhere. Waax is also very often used along with "great", or "fully with lube". Waax can also be used to describe a tragic event. It is essential that the word be used in the correct context.

waay meaning

waay! a common insulust shouted at a fool when they stack it or do somthing stupid at a school

Waaz meaning

Laughing your ass off in just one word. can be used as an adjective or a noun. Someone that is just a joke to look at can be a waaz. Waaz can also be used in place of laughing when someone tells you something funny, you can say waaz instead of laughing.

Waazzaa meaning

Waazzaa is the slang for what is up.It started like this: What is up? > What's up? > Wassup? > Waazzaa > sup(also the nickname of a famous dotaplayer)