wab meaning and definition

wab meaning

www.wab.me.uk We made up the word wab in Scotland, I can guarantee it. The real definition goes something like this: Wab (1): n A person who acheives intellectual victory over another, usually by a technicallity, often with a large degree of smugness. Wab (2): vb To acheive intellectual victory over someone, usually by a technicality or illogical argument, often with a large degree of smugness

wab meaning

A low-income hispanic, with no adaptation of the main-stream American culture and limited english language vocabulary and pronounciation. Same definition as "chuntaro." Most commonly used in Orange County, CA. Probably originated their.

wab meaning

a northern Ireland slang term used for Cock

wab meaning

A womans breasts.

wab meaning

Stands for what a bitch.

wab meaning

Whiny Ass Bitch. Someone is a chronic complainer.

wab meaning


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WABA meaning

stands for: White Asian By Association Someone who is white and hangs out with an Asian, or thinks Asians are cool

wababooshka meaning

this word means absolutely nothing

Wababs meaning

Slag term for breasts, usually ones that are quite prominant or partially visible.

wabac meaning

Stands for Wavelength Acceleration Bidirectional Asynchronous Controller.This machine is used by Sherman and Mr.Peabody to go back in time.This machine also doesn't exist in real life.shame...

wabacha meaning

The wabacha, or vagina dentata,is a big scraggly vaj with teeth in it. Kinda like if your grandma stuffed her dentures in her snatch. Yuk. Mythology: A chrome purple poon-monster with an insatiable cockhunger and gnashing teeth like the predator, but its your girl.

Wabachaw meaning

(1) A vagina with teeth. (2) A vagina that is so bably cared for, there could be things growing in and/or around it

Wabachoad meaning

A small fat penis with teeth.

Wabachode meaning

A short fat penis with big teeth.

Wabadabadoo meaning

When your in with the mystery van hitting Velma from behind and Daphne bites on your Scooby balls so you scream in pain while cumming

wabadoobie meaning

(n.) a made up trinidadian-american word for an extremely fat person.