Wabbers meaning and definition

Wabbers meaning

A common scottish saying for a womans tits.

Wabbers meaning

A person who consistently indulges in Work Avoidance Behaviour

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Wabbeseka meaning

Small town in southeast Arkansas. Also see Gesthemane.

wabbie meaning

someone who wants to be, and continuously acts like abbie

wabbing meaning

derive from acronym of "work avoidance behaviour" - the action of finding something else, ANYTHING else to do other than the task at hand (whether studying as a student or working); like sorting your CDs & DVDs again, making yet another cup of coffee, rearranging your desk, reorganising your inbox, vacuuming the carpet or just browsing the internet, surfing cables channels

wabbit meaning

a dance in the club, shakeing her but.

Wabbiting meaning

the explainable joy of bringing your upper lip high enough to show your front teeth and thus looking like a wabbit.

Wabbity meaning

To feel unwell, not up to par. Northern English slang.

Wabble meaning

A verb used to describe a situation when someone finishes your thought or sentence for you. At times may be helpful or amusing, most of the time really annoying though.

wabbledoo meaning

A censor word used when an internet commenter does not wish to use profanity explicitly.It was first used by violinist Lindsey Stirling to replace profanity on her website. Amid her rise in popularity, her fans and other internet commenters used this word (with variations) in place of curse words on other websites such as Youtube and Facebook.

Wabblegame meaning

A game where one person starts a story and than you go around adding to the story. Usually results in pretty funny stories. Can be played in person, or over the internet.

Wabbler meaning

A person who changes or wabbles between the colours to die their hair. They normaly die of liver cancer because of all the hair die.