Wabicha meaning and definition

Wabicha meaning

A vagina with teeth

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wabie meaning

What you get when a wenis and a wagina have wex.

wabify meaning

can mean anything you want it to. it can be used in casual conversation to throw people off and give you weird looks.

wabigoon meaning

Derogatory term for Native Canadians

wability meaning

The ability to spin, twist, turn, and rock with total stabilty.. Ninja Style!

wabina meaning

a very hot older guy, a bit of a dag but has some cool bits. a pet name for a older man you think is good looking

wabi-sabi meaning

1. represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience 2. The aesthetic principal is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete"

wabitaboobular meaning

(adj) A word used to describe the level of skin, or naked action in a movie. Cited from 'Mystery Science Theater 3000', Episode 519- OUTLAW

wabitat meaning

a location frequented,infested or overrun by illegals or wabs

Wabizonikon meaning

Ferocious tribe of women characterized by their strength, agility, and ability to sample badass motherfucking seedlings without error. They have also been known to plunder houses, beat the shit out of duck faces, and throw noodles on the ceiling. Excellent botany skills and tomahawk throwing expertise are seen in the professional Wabizonikons.Traditional attire of Wabizonikons includes hiking boots, garbage bag sleeves, and on special occasions, the WABITHONG!

wab jax meaning

A 'wab jax' is a relatively new age term used to slag off people who are significantly less cool than yourself, and who are short.