WABOS meaning and definition

WABOS meaning

What A Bunch Of Shit - commonly used on instant messengers

WABOS meaning

A racially confused species in Australia, similar to the American wigga. A wabo is a white person who wants to be an abo. Typically found in Maroubra, wabos are rarely seen in Redfern for fear of being called a "white cunt", an insult which is also used frequently by wabos against other white people. Many wabos claim some sort of Aboriginal heritage despite obvious physical features which would demonstrate the contrary. Required uniform is shiny oversized fubu, dada and everlast clothing which is proudly displayed congregating outside maccas and 7/eleven in large groups. Lebo shaved heads with rats tails and fringes are a must for the guys, whilst skanky westy hair (pulled back tightly with lots of gel and slut straps) is the look for the scary fat wabo chicks. Can be distinguished from the lebos by their lack of body hair and gold chains. Unlike their wealthier American counterparts, they are generally lower-middle class and often do manage to score the dole. Violent and angry because of all the wrongs white australia has perpetrated against them, wabos should be approached with caution.

WABOS meaning

Acronym for "What A Bad One."Often exclaimed after witnessing or hearing about something which maybe be considered ironic, hypocritical and/or embarrassing.

WABOS meaning

referring to being high Were Always Blown Out

WABOS meaning

Wet Anal Blow Out. A big soggy fart

Read also:

wabose meaning

balls, male reproductive organ.

WABOW meaning

Abv for "What a Bunch of Wankers"

Wabowh meaning

Wabowh is a word used to describe sudden exitement and shock or used as a completely random exclamation associated with IM's (instant messengers)

wabowser meaning

n. an exclamatory expression of amazement and admiration following, and in recognition of, an impact of incredible magnitude or other momentous occasion; similarly, an action of such remarkable caliber as to warrant the use of the exclamation. Also a really fun word to say at dramatic intervals. v. the performance of such an action mentioned above. Coined in homage to the great King Bowser Koopa, who is slow-moving but significantly powerful and awe-inspiring in action.

wab pack meaning

When you fill your Two door (*most likely a Pinto, A Rabbit, or Tercel) up with way more than 4 people. Just like mexicans who are attempting to cross the border.

Wab Packed meaning

When a certain place is full of beaners (wabs). Sometimes, there are so many beaners, you can't even move your body.

wabro meaning

Generally poor or unpleasant. Often, though not necessarily, prefixed with 'the'.

wabrownie meaning

“Wabrownie” are decidedly caucasian individuals who, by means of thoroughly warped postmodern acculturation processes, have come to the decision that it is in their best interest to act as if they were denizens of the South Asian area. A whitey can be classified as a “Wabrownie” if they have/are: 1) Forced to, but secretly enjoy playing the piano, the violin or both. 2) View New Jersey as their Promise Land 3) Going into or have a parent that is either in the Medical or Financial field.

WABSFC meaning

An initialism for "why are boys so fucking confusing." This has become a bit of an outcry from the world's population of teenage girls. When a boy does something to make a girl think one thing about him, and then does something else that makes her think the exact opposite of what she just thought, WABSFC will most likely be one of the first thoughts to enter her head, and the first words out of her mouth.

WABT meaning

Wake And Bake Tuesday, wake up on Tuesday and smoke weed first thing in the morning