XM meaning and definition

XM meaning

XM which is an abbreviation of the word EXTREEEMMMEEE! from "Harold and Kumar go To White Castle"

XM meaning

1.an abbreviation for EXTREMMME! from the movie "Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle" 2. Also for uses such as sweet, nectar, extreme

XM meaning

The US's leading satellite radio service. XM will offers 121 channels of digital satellite radio as of March 1, 2004.

XM meaning

Satellite Radio service has been providing digital audio streamed to XM ready receivers since 2001. Currently has 6,000,000 plus subscribers who receive more than 160 channels. Premier content includes personalities such as Snoop Dog, Bob Dylan, and Bob Edwards, while also providing excellent shows such as Artist Confidential and Opie and Anthony. Okay that was a legitamate definition. As a bonus, I will now define Sirius satellite radio: Sirius Satellite Radio is a dumbass waste of low orbit satellite traffic that will probably go under as soon as they open up their check book to pay HOOHOO-Has-Been-Stern his first 100,000,000.00 check. Sirius offers 120 channels of digital music, unmatched NFL coverage, and a vile of aids infected blood to inject into your veins once you find out how shitty and and pathetic its audio content really is. Listen with joy and unmatched euphoria as you enjoy channels that may or may not play music that fits within the parameter of the Channel genre. Watch with awe as your brand new $300.00 S-50 Portable unit refuses to turn on because of the shoddy craftsmenship of Sirius's thirdrate manufacturer "Directed Electronics". Excercise those jaw muscles, for they will surely drop once you find out that your 300 dollar portable unit DOES NOT receive live satellite feed, but rather "Pre Recorded" audio that you have to load via the home antenna kit. And for you Howard Stern fans! You'll be entertained for hours on end as Howard bitches about how the government is still trying to censor him. Watch as he cleverly invents new reasons and explanations as to why he is incapable of doing a funny, intelligent, entertaining program. And watch as he explains to his fans how he is only going to do a show for 4 days a week and only 9 months a year. But dont fret! There's always Bubba the Love sponge! Whats that you say? Howard hates Bubba? Not anymore! Howard loves the sponge! Forget all those nasty comments he made about him in the past. Everything is dandy for these two shock jocks who never go back on their word and always stick to their guns.

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XM26 lss meaning

The XM26 Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS) is an under-barrel shotgun attachment for the M16/M4 family of assault rifles. It can also be fitted with a pistol grip and collapsible buttstock to act as a stand-alone weapon.

XM607 meaning

An unpopular model of the Colt M16/AR/M4 family. It was adopted by the US during Vietnam as an aircraft crew rifle. It's brother the XM608 was also used for this but failed. It used a spring stock system that would propel the stock out (it was spring loaded)to another position. It also had the looks of a fixed stock,just shorter.It also had the trianguler M16A1 grips. Of course they were shorted though. It also had a long flash hider. Time to tell you how it failed.Well at the time,sub machine guns were hard to make. They had alot of recoil. As you can geuss,this one did too. the XM607 also in addtion to recoil had a large muzzle flash. This gave away the soldiers postion. The XM607 got a new name in a way in the year of 2003 suprisingly from the sport airsoft. The brand Tokyo Marui made a XM607 with the name CAR 15. The CAR 15 is actually the Colt M733 Comando. The improvement of the X607.

XM8 Lightweight Assault Rifle meaning

A 5.56mm assault rifle currently in the developmental stages to replace the M4 Carbine and M16-series weapons, and serve along side the XM-29 (formerly known as the Objective Individual Combat Weapon).

XM ADD meaning

The inability to listen to more than 20 seconds of a song on an XM channel without flipping through all the other channels to make sure there is nothing better playing somewhere else.

x-mail meaning

the increased rash of "cute" e-mails received around christmas time, mail that one x's out of immediately and delets without forwarding on

X-Man Christmas meaning

When the X-Men take over Christmas. Instead of Santa, you get Wolverine.

x marks the spot meaning

shaving ones pubes like an X

xMarlen meaning

Someone who treats you like a friend at first, but the longer you know her, you start to realise you´re doing alot of stuff for her, and she never does anything back. As soon as you figure this out, she ditches you, and moves on to the next ´friend´.

xmas meaning

Xmas quite literally means Christmas. The 'X' is a representative of the Greek symbol chi which means Christ. There for Xmas stands for Christmas and is just a short hand version of writing Christmas, and in no way removes the religious connotation of the holiday.

Xmas anxiety meaning

Serious pressure induced by considerable confusion about what to give to whom; with whom to spend your Xmas day; and all accompanied by cornishly unchanging Xmass music and the perennial lighting works.