Xboner meaning and definition

Xboner meaning

1. An Xbox One player. 2. A Microsoft fanboy.

Xboner meaning

A Crying little bitch on the inter webs, who has not the slightest clue on anything relevant to a given conversation. Also if given the opportunity to suck the dick of anyone who says the word Microsoft of Xbox they would fall to their knees with mouths wide open.

Xboner meaning

XBONER is a word commonly used by PC and PlayStation fans to make fun of the Xbox One.

Xboner meaning

many Playstation 4 fans use it to insult Xbox One users. the thought of 'boner' in the word Xboner stands for Xbox One fans getting an erection because of the console. please mind that that is not actually true. the word was being used in the Console Wars between the PS4 and the Xbox One (and the Wii U of course).

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Xbooks meaning

Xbooks is a hidden way of saying that someone or a group of people plays Dungeons and Dragons. Xbooks is a combination of Xbox and books, which is how Dungeons and Dragons is played. It can be used as a noun or verb. However, it is also, but less frequently, known to be an interjection when used before someone is about to say Dungeons and Dragons. Noun: The use of Xbooks as a noun protects the dignity of the player in the eyes of the public which has defined anyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons as a super nerd or a Persona non Grata. Verb: As a verb Xbooks provides a way to articulate the actual event of playing Dungeons and Dragons while, as previously stated, protecting the dignity of the player.

Xbooze meaning

Step 1) Acquire XboX Step 2) Strip the XboX leaving only the outer casing Step 3) Mix drink in XboX casing Step 4) Pour and serve

Xbop meaning

A girl giving head (bop) while he plays xbox.

xborgs meaning

Slang term for X-box fanatics

XboSexual meaning

Some having a fetish with xboxes.(see examples)

XboSexualPhobia meaning

Someone having the fear of a XboSexual or becoming one.

Xbot meaning

xbox fanboys

xbouggoggle meaning

every adjective, mean and nice.prounced boo-goggle

xbow meaning

Short for 'crossbow', usually used in the context of RPGs or FPSes in which such weapons are used. It is a typing abbreviation and thus is most often seen under conditions either where fast typing is more important than accurate spelling or where the people talking are just lazy typists. The spelling comes from the idea that the letter 'x' looks like a cross and thus replaces the syllable 'cross' in the original word (much like the more common 'xing' for 'crossing'). It is usually pronounced either 'CRAWS-boe' (ignoring the spelling change) or 'EHX-boe' (pronouncing the 'x' by its letter name).

xbowned meaning

A term used against someone who bought and paid for a Xbox One gaming system.