Xenis meaning and definition

Xenis meaning

Pronounced Zee-nis like Xena.A penis in it's prime. When a penis is fully erect and in it's peek physical condition. When it can not grow anymore and is challenging gravity it becomes a xenis.

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xenise meaning

A birth name given to a confident, loyal, and educated girl who is serious about her best friend. Critical to things that she is passionate about and works hard to finish what she started and stays true to herself.

Xenist meaning

Racist against aliens.

Xenite meaning

a fan of the show xena warrior princess

Xenith meaning

a very reputable gaming group hailing from a small town called Beloit, Wisconsin.

xenization meaning

To walk as a stranger, or to exist as a stranger.

Xenni meaning

The bestest, bestest troll ever!

xenny meaning

ed ur gay

xeno meaning

'Xeno' is prefix, derived from a latin word best translated as 'foreigner', or 'stranger.' It is usually used to denote an object that is alien, unusual, or extra-terrestrial.

xenoagape meaning

xeno: meaning stranger or foreigner and agape referring to brotherly and unselfish love for another person without sexual implications. Therefore, xenoagape would refer to a brotherly love for a foreigner.

Xenobi meaning

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