xantippe meaning and definition

xantippe meaning

A shrewish wife. From Xantippe, the wife of Socrates.

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xantom meaning

A superstar youtuber

xanuary meaning

In the month of january, you pop a fuck ton of xanax making january, xanuary

Xanuls meaning

A Heroic paladin in the 17th century, established and defended the castle of Foreo.Offically dubbed a Knight of Intensity in 1640AD, By king Pee. Jvanilla iv (forth).

xanum meaning

Another term for a xanax bar. Ultimately a combination of the words xanax and yum.

Xan Ups meaning

Hiccuping while being intoxicated on xanax

Xanus meaning

wild and loving. a wildling

xanx meaning

This young shit these lil niggas be taking getting high off of. Like when u out of xanx u see shit u never thought was real

xanxabar meaning

When someone is going to take more than the prescribed dosage of Xanax to get a buzz

Xanxerê meaning

A small, but cool city, in Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Xanxus meaning

That one scary ass man with the vilest glare known to man and the scars that put Harry Potter to utter shame.