xarfo meaning and definition

xarfo meaning

Arguably the most pro rapist gamer of all time

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xarg meaning

A homosexual that preys on 10 year old boys.

xargon meaning

kick ass retro game and a handle used by someone, me, who pewpew's everything and anything

Xargoth meaning

Xargoth is another word for a failing and clumsy assassin. Generally, anyone named this is failing at high School and wants to be an assassin or a darkly thief-thing.

Xaria meaning

Xaria is a noun used to describe a sweet girl who is shy and quiet. Xarias are also extremely attractive.

Xarianna meaning

Xarianna is a Sweet, Cute, Kind, Bubbly girl. She can be awfully mean when she wants to, but oh so sweet when shes in the mood. Xarianna can also be very weird as a reaction to see your reaction. Xarianna rules the world with her godess powers. Xarianna is typicaly a girl.

Xarinax meaning

Xarinax is the name of a group of hunters on world of warcraft who think there good and usually spam chat and dance on dwarves.

Xaris meaning

Souvlaki (international greek food)/Burger/Pizza (even when rotten) Eating Machine. Usually found with remains of the above stuck on its teeth. Only functions with the sound of thrash metal music, beer and a load of dirty clothes (worn for more than a year without being washed). Also used as a sound machine by Wrecking Havoc (a thrash metal band from Greece). Also produces farts/burps of great and deep sound (Warning! You will be safe only if you are 1km+ away when this funtions are performed). --Extra information: Has a stiny dick, which is attracted to hair straighteners (especially the one owned by some guy named Frank). --Greatest Addictions: Cigarettes (which someone else baught for it), Beer (same as above), Food (SAME AS ABOVE), Raki (which usually causes its violent reaction on poor little boys sharing the same name (Xaroulis) and beautiful 18 year old girls with big boobs (guess who). Also sounds like an old house's door when recharging (sleeping). Can also live for 8 days using 1 pair of boxers (which can be also used in the sea as a swimming suit, since the God prevents it from buying an actual one) and 1 Misfits T-shirt. -->EXTREMELY DANGEROUS INFLUENCE FOR NAIVE LITTLE INNOCENT BOYS! (Nick, Xaroulhs and others)

Xarlian meaning

An adjective describing something that is evil and quirky at the same time, often leading to havoc and/or chaos.

xarnia meaning

the most beautiful, unique and awesome girl on the planet. Awesome fun to hang out with. Absolutely gorgeous and the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. See also nickname Zarnie

xaro meaning

(Zah - Ro)Slang for Bizzar.