Xbox 2 meaning and definition

Xbox 2 meaning

The Next Gen Xbox console system. As of April 2004 expected to have a varient of the G5 processor, gigabit ethernet, a larger harddrive, ATi graphics, even though they should stick with nVIDIA, and the possiability of a TiVo function.

Xbox 2 meaning

The sequel to the original Xbox Also known as Sony's worst nightmare

Xbox 2 meaning

I don't know shit about the next Xbox console but I will still own both Sony and Microsoft's next-gen console on account of: Sony: Smackdown Series, the vast range of games. Microsoft: The reliabilty of not freezing any of my games to this date.

Xbox 2 meaning

Xbox 2 now dubbed as the xbox 360 apparently because they think consumers are stupid enough to souly buy a PS3 over a Xbox 2 because 3 is greater then 2. IT wil be the first next gen. game system lauched and will have the worst graphics of the 3. This is simply because it the first one out the door, the same reason xbox 1 is more powerful then ps2 it came out more then a year later. as of right now it willnot be backwards compatable with xbox 1 games due to the fact that it will use a moddified G5 chip rather then a pentium (x86) chip like in the Xbox 1. It also unlike the other next gen systems will not support either of the next gen. DVD's that are coming out (HD-DVD, and Blu-ray discs). Also unlike the xbox 1 it will not have a hard drive as of now . A hard drive might be an accesory though. Microsoft is very keen on capturing the biggest market share witht he next - gen partly because it is microsoft and partly because they lost a lot of mony on the Xbox 1 due to its poor sales in japan and because they are so heavily subsidized.

Read also:

xbox 3 meaning

What old people call the xbox 360.

xbox 360 meaning

An x-box once fully rotated

x-box 360 core meaning

The X-box 360 for poor kids who will never become anything in life... and they are also noobs

xbox 360 elite meaning

The new and improved Xbox 360 from Microsoft.

Xbox 360 Fanboy meaning

The unyielding belief that the Xbox 360 is the best console, and no other can touch it. This of course, is only based upon the monopoly of exclusive games that the console has due to Microsoft's ass-loads of cash that they throw to developers, so that consumers are only left with one choice of console. The 'fanboys' completely disregard system performance, graphics, and other notable features that the other consoles have, and simply focus on the fact that "Halo is the best". They typically claim that the Xbox 360 is better because it has Xbox Live, and forget the fact that Microsoft charges for simple things like pictures and changing your name.

Xbox 360 kinect meaning

The new 360 that shits on the ps3

XBOX 360 Live Vision meaning

A camera ad-on for the XBOX360. It is essentially a webcam. On the XBOX360 you can record video, but this is pointless because you can't save it, you can only send it to people. You can also take pictures at about 1.3mp, but this is also pointless because you can't save or extract the photos to view at that resolution. On the PC it automatically downloads the drivers and doesn't let you manually install it. It doesn't have an interface so you're stuck with a tiny window to take pictures with, and when you take a picture it stays at that small resolution so it's not really 1.3mp resolution. Basically it's cool but Microsoft must have hired a retard to choose it's features. And good luck trying to use it as a webcam.

Xbox 360 Pro Gamertag meaning

Gamertags consists of Upper case and lowercase letters, two ii's, v's, o's, x's, z's, add extra letters and the end of a word, and sometimes use not commonly used words. People who use these gamertags most of the time are not good, and just wanna look cool because they think they are pro. Some examples are: LeGiiT ShoTZz, Communicatezz, o GeT MuTeD o, oG ScoPeZz v, etc.

Xbox 360 Slim meaning

This is what people call the new Xbox 360 model. However, it is NOT an Xbox 360 Slim. It's just a different model of the Xbox 360. I mean really, how much slimmer is it than the originals? You do the measuring.

Xbox 360 vs PS3 meaning

The all out war between the two most advanced consoles to date. One of which is made by microsoft and the other made by their nemisis sony. Both consoles are great although many predict that the PS3 will outperform the Xbox 360. On the other hand the Xbox 360 is cheaper and has been released earliar. It's hard to tell which will be more popular although i personally will be on the side of PS3 purely because i already have a PS2 and i want to still be able to play my old games.