Xbox 360 Pro Gamertag meaning and definition

Xbox 360 Pro Gamertag meaning

Gamertags consists of Upper case and lowercase letters, two ii's, v's, o's, x's, z's, add extra letters and the end of a word, and sometimes use not commonly used words. People who use these gamertags most of the time are not good, and just wanna look cool because they think they are pro. Some examples are: LeGiiT ShoTZz, Communicatezz, o GeT MuTeD o, oG ScoPeZz v, etc.

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Xbox 360 Slim meaning

This is what people call the new Xbox 360 model. However, it is NOT an Xbox 360 Slim. It's just a different model of the Xbox 360. I mean really, how much slimmer is it than the originals? You do the measuring.

Xbox 360 vs PS3 meaning

The all out war between the two most advanced consoles to date. One of which is made by microsoft and the other made by their nemisis sony. Both consoles are great although many predict that the PS3 will outperform the Xbox 360. On the other hand the Xbox 360 is cheaper and has been released earliar. It's hard to tell which will be more popular although i personally will be on the side of PS3 purely because i already have a PS2 and i want to still be able to play my old games.

xbox361 meaning

its the next xbox, because turning at a 360 degree is gay, so why not call the xbox 360 the xbox 1. At least Sony can count.

Xbox 36wii meaning

An X-box 360 Console with the Xbox Kinect included.

xbox 3shitty meaning

another way how fanboys of sony to says xbox 360-xbox 3shitty

Xbox-3sucksty meaning

The act of receiving a blowjob from your girlfriend/wife/lover (gay life partner) whilst continuing to game. Warning: May result in death.

Xbox 420 meaning

1. Getting high and playing your next-gen X-box. 2. Modding your X-Box or X-Box 360 with Marijuana themed art.

X-box 720 meaning

The next generation system of Microsoft. First came the X-box, then the X-box 360 (event though the system isn't a circle) and so it is assumed by most people that next will be the X-box 720. It is a reasonable name for the next gen. of X-box. Sometimes used as a joke when asked if going to buy a 360.

xbox addict meaning

A person whose sole purpose in life is to go on games and believe that they are in the games. Usually fat males in their teens-twenties who join games, abuse the casual players and think they're amazing even though they're pathetic because their thumbs are too fat to move fast enough, so they become hackers so that they appear amazing. Generally the lowest form of life on the planet, just below bacteria. Also can own a PS3 and become a PS3 nerd.

xbox-aholic meaning

some one who is addicted to playing an xbox, xbox360 or xbox livemost xbox-aholics love to play games like: Call of duty: modern warfare 2, halo 2 or 3, battle feild bad company 2, or left 4 dead 1 or 2