xbox one fanboy meaning and definition

xbox one fanboy meaning

A person who weighs 300+ pounds, never goes outside, says they smoke weed, and claimed they sleep with your mom.

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Xbox One Paranoia Syndrome meaning

A condition when you feel as if the camera on your Xbox one Kinect is recording everything you do and showing it to random people.

xbox orgy meaning

To have 3 or more xboxs hooked up to xbox live at one time at a specific location.

Xbox Original meaning

A so called human being that plays xbox non-stop. He treats it as a matter of life and death. He usally plays Halo or Call of Duty and talkes shit when he wins after he loses ten games before the win saying the other players got "raped" or "suck". This type of person is common on these type of games and usally refers to your mom comments when things get a bit tough on him or accusing the other player of playing unfair or "hacking" due to their skill level. Also he leaves uncleaver comments on other players sexuality saying yet another common comment to xbox "I can't hear you with the dick in your mouth". These are said at least 100-200 times a day. The age can range from 9-40. At least 9 out of 10 of these so called "Gamers" are still virgins. Not many people like them other then their so called buddies in their Clan. They also rage quit often when the game isn't going their way and they don't want to face the pissed off lobby waiting for them after the game.

xboxosis meaning

A Lack of a soul due to the constant playing of an xbox 360. The soul becomes seperated from the host and lives in the harddrive.

xbox party meaning

where people who play Xbox LIVE, get drunk or high, and play online together, instead of having a real party

Xbox Period meaning

When your xbox lags and makes you very fucking pissed.

X-box pox meaning

result of being a gamer on the 360. usually gotten by playing call of duty. starts as acne because your gamer ass doesnt have time to take a shower. evolves into a nasty scrotum hanging from your nose. eventually develops into a full length wiener complete with aids filled puss fucks covering face. nastier than a grundle pie .

Xbox Rage meaning

An instance in which a player of Xbox is doing terrible in an online game, so they begin to rage. It starts off as mere screaming into the mic, but quickly escalates into throwing controllers and other objects, screaming profanity at the tv, and possibly even harming other people.

xbox sleepover meaning

When a group of friends play Xbox until they all pass out holding their controllers and wearing their headset.

xbox tan meaning

The skin tone one gets from sitting in a basement playing call of duty for days without sunlight.