xDDD meaning and definition

xDDD meaning

It's a form of laughter, such as lol (laugh at loud) If you tilt your head to the left, xD forms face, the x acting as an eye, & the D as a mouth...The extra D's are varied, according the ammount of laughter intended.

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xdddd meaning

It's a sign that you are a dank MLG trickshotter m8


A smiley similar to XD. Every D added to its end adds to its greatness.


1."XD" with a lot of double chins.2.A type of computer chat phrase commonly used by people who spam the keyboard for no reason.3.An enthusiastic "XD".(Can also be known as "XDDD", "XDDDD", "XDDDDD", etc.)

xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd meaning

when you try to laugh but you forgot what a keyboard is

xd founn-e meaning

1. Ryan Logans horrible spelling language 2. Henry shitting on his wrists 3. Whack a Nigger part # 3

X DID WTC meaning

Trolling material that tends to piss off everyone. Find a popular subject/Person/Group and fill in the Blank(X) for EXTREME RAGE

xdifnet meaning

when he/she is trying to act purposly retarded or dumb

XD machine meaning

Someone in a conversation who responds only with XD. Gets very annoying sometimes. Similar to LOL machine and XD Boy. "XD Bot" might also be a good term for this thing.

XDMAO meaning

Hybride between XD and ROFLMAO. Used to show extreme funniness.

xdomex meaning

to give a hardcore kid head