xenogamophobia meaning and definition

xenogamophobia meaning

fear of marrying a foreigner

xenogamophobia meaning

fear of marrying a foreigner; hating marriage with a foreigner.

Read also:

xenogamy meaning

marriage with a foreigner.

xenogears meaning

The name of the best game ever made. Usually used to describe perfection. Opposite to Finaly Fantasy 8.

xenoglossophilia meaning

n. An infatuation with foreign languages -- from Greek prefix xeno-, "foreigner" or "stranger;" prefix glosso-, "language" or "tongue;" and philia meaning "love." cf. xenolinguaphilia, using Latinate lingua for "language."

xenoglossophobia meaning

n. A fear of foreign languages -- from Greek prefix xeno-, "foreigner" or "stranger;" prefix glosso-, "language" or "tongue;" and phobos meaning "fear." cf. xenolinguaphobia, using Latinate lingua for "language."

xenograph meaning

a document or text written in a foreign language.

Xenohomophobic meaning

Fear of gay Aliens.

Xenoian meaning

The perfect human being, thought only to exist in legend.

Xenoid meaning

Someone who goes to Xenos, really really ridiculously good looking, cultist, Christian-esque

xenoizzle meaning

nice looking alien

xenokleptomania meaning

abnormal obsession for stealing from foreigners or stealing foreign things.