xheks meaning and definition

xheks meaning

A danish internet term for someone from Copenhagen being annoying, and questioning everything even though the explanation is obvious, just to annoy people.

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xhemile meaning

The most extremely sexy woman all men want to date her she is good at sewing and cooking.

xhena meaning

the most amazing person in the world. it is a great honor to have this name.

xhesika meaning

a name given to hot albanian chicks.

xhibit meaning

a calfornia-based rapper, host of mtv's pimp my ride, stars in the new x-flie movie, a family man

Xhicha meaning

A language spoken by the Xhiffica tribe of Upper Thryxhrmichy. Pronunciation is difficult for English speakers, mostly due to the use of dental clicks and guttural sounds needed to express the language properly.Several people have choked to death trying to pronounce the name of the language alone. It is therefore advised by the UK home office to refrain from speaking the language unless absolutely necessary.Basic everyday words and phrasesLezhvdik - Hello Studdjydd em 'a taddlrikz? - How are you? Syuddjydd 'a besz wukulxuck? - How is your wife? Kem be bi rykurvfar treddtmok? - What is your name? Dregridd meky meky kakugdazh? - Where is the nearest train station?Rhaddtsick feg fy clargukz? - What's that smell? Sikurlichy 'a befreg thrantekz? - What is for dinner? Smetlick 'a twenner chivlidd - Onions disagree with me Crazhscik - Doctor Zifnik - A burning sensation felt in the left foot Chozhkjik - A medical condition defined as the right armpit smelling worse than the leftSmiddjmok - Beach Faddklich - The Swedish as a race Gikuwbfart - Trainspotter Bledsichy - A type of unlicenced taxi Chidpnakz - Backhander Ledhyok - A musical instrument made from cat dungDafregcomfestil - Dafregcomfestil Gozhfart cef kmiddchyzh - Use a condom Batlichy - shotgun wedding Dozhscidh - Chlamydia Phiddfik - A horse's cock that is as wide as it is long Trakubwadh - A type of excessive sweating caused by extreme arousal towards ginger people

xhiem meaning

Xhiem - It means no worries for the rest of your days. It's our problem free philosophy, XhiemThe meaning of LifeThe universal explanation of everything

Xhilda meaning

A girl that is extremely beautiful and caring but at the same time very intelligent. A Xhilda is loved by many, her personality and infectious laugh makes it impossible to not want to be near her. Her beauty is one of a kind, with gorgeous eyes a bright smile and beautiful hair that looks great without any effort. She also has a beautiful body with a hip to waist ratio that must be pretty close to the grecian ideal. She is usually a very good girl but can be a bit devilish when she wants to be, forgetting about her good girl image and just letting loose and doing whatever she wants. Xhilda is also a great friend, always looking at the good in people and willing to do whatever it takes to make a situation the best it can be.

xhillin meaning

Saying you're just chilling, but in reality you're masturbating

xhino meaning

A gentleman that loves money too damn hard.

Xhiria meaning

a swedish metal(?) band, they are pretty good :3