xlisiv meaning and definition

xlisiv meaning

to have sex with many women but be exclusive to none.

Read also:

xln meaning

alternative spelling of "excellent"

xlnt meaning

Short for excellent. X - "excks" L - "ell" N't - "ent" More for use with taking notes as opposed to spoken word.

xlo meaning

xlo = chupalo in english: suck it (dick) used when u don't want to do something somebody tell u to do

xloaded meaning

To be drunk or intoxicated with alcohol.

X-Logic meaning

A typical Christian BS excuse for anything that doesn't make sense.Any Church reasoning that X-tards believe is of or relating to god that makes sense of an unknown variable.Short for Christ-Logic,much like X-mas is short for Christmas.

XLOLD meaning

A mixture of XD and LOL. Pronounced ECKS-LOL-ED, it is meant to describe something that is hilarious, inducing a lolgasm.

xlorbic meaning

(pronounced "ZLOR-bik") n. 1) technologically advanced object, either a technical device or an element of one 2) a comparative unit of technology

XLp meaning

A punk rock band hailing from Mesa, AZ. Established in 1997 by front man Ian Hunthausen. Despite a brief hiatus from 2002 to 2003 the band has stayed strong and continually gains fans and momentum.

XLR meaning

Extreme Luxury Roadster (Cadillac)

xlr8 meaning

Accelerate. Can be used in text messaging or on licence plates.