yadhyra meaning and definition

yadhyra meaning

Root: Yardenah Meaning: Friend Expression: A woman blessed with sincerity Personality: She loves to see what each new day will bring Natural: A person that is down to earth Emotional: Others enjoy her loving heart Character: A cheerful woman Physical: Renowned for her good looks & common sense Mental: A woman who thinks clearly Motivation: Is a handy worker & capable doer

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Yadi meaning

Yadi is the most nicest girl you will ever meet in your life you makes everyone simile when you are feeling down she is a very kind and very sweet yadi is very beautiful and gorgeous without yadi you will never be you

yadia meaning

Weed; marijuana. The term used when you are too far gone (high) to say much more than just making noise

yadiamean meaning

you know what i mean

Yadick meaning

Small unkempt child of below average intelect . Mothers especialy from inner city council estates somtimes call their ofspring Yadicks

Yadida meaning

yadida started as a alternate way to say "you know" in the bay area.. gradually over the years slang changes. it is most commonly used now as a slang word for cocaine

yadidabooboo meaning

it's like fuck- it can mean whaturr you want it to, cousin! it's a lot of fun to say when you're drunk/crunk/stupid/hyphy/white.

Yadidadido meaning

What a cool girl from west phoenix is called.

yadidafeelme meaning

synonymous with yadidamean. "know what I'm saying?" popular in Richmond, CA

yadidamean meaning

Know what Imean?? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you feel me?

Ya dida mene meaning

To understand someone. To understand spoken words.