z3ll meaning and definition

z3ll meaning

see "asshat"

Read also:

z3n meaning

Some people say that he does exists, some people say that he actually dwells in Brazil, but the truth is that he doesn't exist! He is an irc bug from our imagination which can design websites and send us hentai!

Z3r0 meaning

"leeter" than mutha/muthism/and anyone else who dares challenge him!

z4 meaning

over-rated bmw with "american sports car suspension". Your spine will be destroyed in this car. Steer clear

z400 meaning

The rippyest four wheeler ever. It will rip all over the 400 ex, take that shit mikey

z5 meaning

A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Follow me, but said in normal life

z6 meaning

A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Taking fire.... Need Assistance, but said in normal life

z7 meaning

When a guy or a hermaphodite get a blowjob done on there dick because they think they deserve it. When a girl gets down on her knees to blow a dudes cock.

z71 meaning

the best chevy there ever was

Z80 meaning

Best damn microprocessor ever!

Z8 Forum meaning

A forum where trolls all over the world come to complain about how they despise and hate the game Cross Fire. One out of every ten threads located therein contains an intelligent thought. Simple requests are met with cold, biting, sarcasm and "Your Mom" insults.