jabbawockies meaning and definition

jabbawockies meaning

Verb 1. to rhythmical dance with a group of your closest friends. Noun 2. A hip-hop dance group out of Cali.

jabbawockies meaning

to rhythmical dance with a group of your closest friends. A hip-hop dance group out of Cali.

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Jabbawocking meaning

Giving a physical form to music.

jabbawokeez meaning

A street dance crew made up of 5 members that won Season 1 of America's Best Dance Crew.

Jabba Wookie meaning

A severely over-weight, greasy, and overwhelming smelly form of Wook. The Jabba Wookie devotes much of his existence to 'sick jams' and 'heady nuggets'. Jabba the Wook will often times try to 'bum a cig' or ask for a 'schwill' or your Sammy. More times than not, one can find the Jabba Wookie passed out in a mass of his own excrement just off of Shakedown Street. But in the end, Jabba's music is way headier than yours.

jabbe meaning

Jabbe is a universal word used by uneducated primates from mississippi while ordering slaves (niggas) around in the fields.

jabbed all up the lip meaning

To be punched in the mouth, usually for doing something stupid or irritating.

Jabbeling meaning

When someone is being a total bitch for no reason. and when someone is faking an injury just to get attention. and when someone gets told secrets and can't keep them. also a 2 faced liar.

Jabbend meaning

A half finished cigarette, a term commonly used by British trash whilst trying to scavenge a smoke.

jabber meaning

A slang term for a joint.

Jabber Blog meaning

The ritualistic act of getting absolutely obliterated drunk whilst playing video games and watching funny tv shows/movies for HOURS on end. The only way the Jabber Blogging ends is if one of the persons passes out with a video game controller in his hands. Jabber Blogging is usually accompanied by a long walk, beer(s) in hand, to get food, prefferably pizza and usually after midnight.

JabberCam meaning

JabberCam is the most enhanced/most popular random video chat (started as a chatroulette clone).