Aaliyah Mendes
meaning and definitionAaliyah Mendes
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meanings of Aaliyah Mendes
Vine Star, acc Princess Aaliyah. Related to Magcon boy and singer Shawn Mendes, cringy yet cute, boi. Accumulated 200,000 + followers and her and her brother have the best sibling relationship okay.
a beautiful black individual.!
Savage ass nigga, only fucks hoes. He's the guy that fucked your bitch last night. The realest nigga in existence. Your mom calls him daddy, and your girl.
Aaliyyah the fresh girl whos always talking about penises and loves to be fresh she has no father but a mother she loves to call you daddy and touch you.
Dis the nigga that blows errathang . Dis Nigga azz hoe could suck a golf ball through a coffe straw coated in peanut butter. But she a hella good friend! And no matter da shit you go through they will be there for you.
A beautiful girl with long thick hair. She is rough but will always make you laugh.
The most beautiful,perfect girl in the world, she is also carrying person every one loves her she is a great kisser, she has the most cuties laugh in the world when u see hear her laugh it will make u feel like u r the most happiest person in the universe, every thing she does will show the world how much perfect she is and also shows more love then any one u would ever know
The Association of Annoying Lore Nerds. They know everything about everything in every game with a story.
In the Indian language of Hindi or something like that, Aalok is defined as a "useless, ugly creature known as a household pest" It has habits of remaining in someone's house or abode when it is clearly not wanted.
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A problem that you pass on to an unsuspecting co-worker. The problem is usually passed from one to another. Aalu is the Urdu word for potato - so the term originates from Hot Potato