a ass shit konkey wacker
meaning and definitiona ass shit konkey wacker
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meanings of a ass shit konkey wacker
one who frequently shits from the ass while wacking his konkey with several large sticks.
The Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology, the first and coolest academy in the Bergen County Academies (BCA). The kids in AAST are branded as anti-social and the biggest nerds, but this stereotype isn't really true.
The most outgoing and fun to know type of girl. With her personality comes a short temper and easily annoyed trait. She can bring people to love each other! She's a true love and a keeper! Aastha is the smartest and funniest gal you will ever know! Her sense of humor is the best!She loves to keep up with people and usually is the popular female. Aastha' tend to go by a nick name, like Ashley or Anusha.
Meaning to have sexual intercourse with very sharp objects such as knives or cactus'.
african american student union
Annoying American Teenagers.
AATA stands for Adult Apples to Apples. It's basically the adult version of the game. The green cards are all supposed to consist of 'adult' material. It's a game you wouldn't want your kids to touch. You'll need a dirty mind to play it and have fun.
An acronym for "acronyms are the best". Coined by a poser on Twitter.
Short for "it's all about the hookers" Used in text messaging when a public figure (corporate master of the universe, politician, entertainer) gets caught either paying for sex directly or having an affair that would not have happened if they were not extremely rich.Alternative Definitions include promoting working conditions very close to slavery.
A person who does not believe in an atheist.
Aathira, comes from the word, Thiruvathira, It also means full moon She is a girl, who talks, and when upset she becomes quiet So many guys like her, but she has picked already one guy, that no one knows about. She likes guys who can speak for themselves She is very beautiful, and intelligent just like the Moon.