Aaahh Train meaning and definition

Aaahh Train meaning

Its a russian version of the A-Train. It's fictional and only used as a joke. Invented by two highschoolers. Much like the Fail Boat. Only its the Epic Win of Motorised Vehicles.

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AAAIDU meaning

Another annoying acronym I don't understand

Aaaight meaning

aaaight is another way to say alright

aaal meaning

aaal is an acronym for the solstice and zenithabsence axis angular loss

aaanerd meaning

a nerd, arnortt, not a nerd, sounds like a a a nerd but no nerd.

Aaaney meaning

To describe someones behavior as atrocious or out of spite.

Aaap meaning

(Pronounced AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRP)A loud, long expression of one's discontent at a given situation. Louder, longer 'aaap's indicate higher levels of irritation. No matter the length of any given Aaap, it should become both higher in pitch, and louder.

Aaaron meaning

Hawaiian derivation of the name Aaron whereby each "A" is pronounced seperately, as in "Ah-ah-aron". Made famous by sugar cane mogul Aaaron Aina-wai-akua-a-Kane in the early 21st century before his takeover of the island chain.

aaarrggghhhhh meaning

What you scream when something inconceiveably horrible happens to you.

aaarrh meaning

Sigh of dissatisfaction (usually associated with N00bs.)

Aaarrrggghhh meaning

Guttural utterance when a man cums on a woman's face or body.