Aadityavikram meaning and definition

Aadityavikram meaning

The epitome of excellence. The quintessential of every field.

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AADL meaning

The art of ass and dick licking

Aadorn meaning

the word used in mien for "son" or "young boy"

aadrama meaning

The site that holds all that is drama in Americas Army. Current moderator is hobo.

aadrika meaning

A very beautiful, intellegent or gorgeous person who trusts easily but is loved for her company.

aadvik meaning

A male name for someone who deeply worships the actor; Shia Labeouf. Aadvik, can also be named as Shia, for a nickname. Also, he worships Shia so much, he can with hold the power of Shia.

Aadya meaning

A crazy person, that should never have been born and exists only to ruin lives...

AAE Group meaning

Automotive Aftermarket Experts Executive Search Firm specializing in the recruitment and placement of mid to executive level professionals whose focus is the Automotive Aftermarket. Ralph Schroeder is president with two offices located in Naples, Florida and Sapphire, North Carolina. Corporate number is 239.947.2977 ralph@aaegroup.com

AAEM meaning

AAEM is defined as an Awkward Apple Eating Moment where two men eating apples encounter one another and see each other eating apples. In the case a AAEM occurs, both parties may agree to an eat off, where a race ensues to see who can finish his apple faster.

aaf meaning

always and forever is what it means

aafaaf meaning

as a friend always and forever