Aanchal meaning and definition

Aanchal meaning

It literally means the end of a saree, the traditional indian dress for women - also a name. Now it has grown someone who is whimsical, happy, free flowing, spirited and independent and really really pretty! but slightly mad!

Aanchal meaning

A person of Indian descent, usually female although it is occasionally questioned, who needlessly, and endlessly trolls Facebook. Her constant illiterate status updates, and senseless comments on photos and status' of her peers are often deleted because compassionate people take pity on her illiteracy and possible dyslexia.

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Aancy meaning

To have ants in pants. To jump up and down. To move intensely. Intense feeling.

aand meaning

one single male ball. male genital. male genitals. male genitelia origin of word - india.

a and b conversation meaning

An a and b conversation is a conversion amongst two people.This term is often used in the phrase "this is an A and B conversation so I suggest you C your way out

a and b the c of d meaning

Means Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. Means very good.

a and c meaning

Documented by Steinbeck, it refers to the particular skill of a good bouncer- the ability to eject an unruly patron with a minimum of damage.It refers to Ass and Collar; the grabbing of the trouser belt and shirt collar, and then lifting and swinging the patron out of the premises, having him land on his hands and knees, and on occasion, chin.The Bum's Rush is considerably cruder, relying on the pain of a twisted arm and mutual momentum.

aandon meaning

The demon spawn of a white shadow and darkness infinite. Scares little kids and adults alike. Can be found in dark garages.

A and P Catholic meaning

Catholics (or any form of Christianity, basically) who only goes to Church on days when they give out free stuff; namely Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday.

a and r meaning

Assault and Robbery or Against persons and Robbery is category of crime. It's a lingual abbreviation used by police or law enforcement.

a and t meaning

ass and titties

Aandwa meaning

means male penis in Marathi lingo now adapted in Mumbai Hindi street lingo.