aardvark meaning and definition

aardvark meaning

the funky brown animal that lives in the front of the dictionary...the real one

aardvark meaning

A girl with such a long nose that when she deep throats you her nose is pushed aside in your pubes like an aardvark forging for ants.

aardvark meaning

a medium sized insectivore with protruding nasal implement

aardvark meaning

The first REAL word on Urban Dictionary!

aardvark meaning

1. The main character and his family on the extremely good cartoon show known as "Arthur". You might mistake him for a mouse at first but if you love him this much, you'll soon know he's an aardvark from the PBSkids website and the illustrations on some of the "Arthur" books by Marc Brown. So get it straight, HE ISN'T A MOUSE! 2. One of the first words of the dictionary, if not possibly the second or third, after "a" and "aa" (that is if there is the word "aa".) Sorry guys, I don't read/pay attention to the dictionary and I am not planning to soon. What kind of loser does that?? Not saying I'm not one myself...

aardvark meaning

Refers to an uncircumcised penis AND also the guy himself who is uncut.

aardvark meaning

an uncircumcised penis

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aardvark ass meaning

An ass that has been waxed clean of hair

aardvark cum meaning

coldest thing in the world.

aardvark folding meaning

verb: the art of folding paper while riding an aardvark. Mostly done in Indo-China in the late 1800's. It was later banned by King Lyare because his youngest wife was caught aardvark folding with his former secretary.

aardvarking meaning

When a man lies on his stomach with pillows propping up his hips and a woman licks the back of his ball bag and has her nose in his ass while the guy makes noises like an anteater.

Aardvark of Silence meaning

The Aardvark of Silence is based on one of the Rorschach inkblot images and refers to any post made by a moderator on an internet forum which, while innocuous in content, is interpreted as insensitive, silencing, or mocking of a member or members. The moderator has no idea when she has posted an Aardvark of Silence, because the Aardvark of Silence is a member's projection onto the hapless moderator her own inner fears and conflicts. There is no way to not post an Aardvark of Silence. The Aardvark of Silence is inevitable.

aardvarks nose meaning

when someone has a nose that is fucking huge

aardvarkswag meaning

Swag Swag, woot woot. yolo yoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyoloyolo

Aardwolf meaning

South African carnivorous fox-like quadruped

Aareet meaning

Geordie for the same word as alreet and arreet, just there's different word even in the Newcastle region for the same word,

Aaren meaning

Quirky and unusual chcik who can be deceptive in what she want you to think.None-the-less very cool.