meaning and definitionAarness
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meanings of Aarness
Family name with origins in Southern Norway. This family seems to have a concern for collecting things based on a fear that they will one day stop making them. Also,this family has a bunch of smart people.
-Some one who is addicted to hunting, fishing or the outdoor's in genral.-
a beautiful young girl that's perfect in every way. she's very artistic, loving, sweet, stunning, and irresistible. she has beautiful eyes that twinkles in the light and her smile is breathtaking.
d latest phenomenon in noida.
the hottest guy in the universe
To make a 'booty call' to that girl you had a one night stand with that time, (whose name you couldn't remember) so you just pressed the letter 'a' a few times when it came to putting her in your phonebook - meaning she will be first alphabetically (as would anyone called 'Aaron Aaronson).
A boring person who sits beside 2 extremely awesome people! He plays sheepish and is a total Melvin!
Aaron Allen was an american musician, born sometime in the 1987 era. His amazing electric guitar skills were a great contrabution to the band "Cool Band featuring Rob Lowe" (his most notable). After a brief arguement with Lowe, Allen quit the band where he later became a heroin addict. He went to rehab for 4 months and later came out with an acoustic project known as "Banana Rambler". With over 5 CD sales from this, he easily slid into the #2 spot on the VH1 Top 20 countdown for his song "Bumble Bee Symphony". Once realizing his skills, Cool Band requested his return to the band. Allen said he would only rejoin if Rob Lowe were to quit his acting career. Obviously, Cool Band featuring Rob Lowe is back and currently working on their first album "Nickels and Dimes and 2 Dollar Bills". It is expected to never be released.
The most fantastic couple in the world. They are made for eachother. They'll be togetha foeva and atheyre super adorable;)
An American female whose parents were hippies and consumed large amounts of LSD.. Therefore, she was born with defects and a decelerated brain functionality..
A huge shit lord who is bad at this game. Also he will never make it, never make it, nevah make it.