Aaron Bernard
meaning and definitionAaron Bernard
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meanings of Aaron Bernard
THUG MONEY FOOL. this niggah right hur got no swagg. he needs lotion man, dis bitch's hand are like the sahara. he looks fresh with his hand me down sweatshirts with build in rims dawgg. he's got 3, SET FO LYFE. his basketball skills are pathetic. kid's got no talent. he got no set team, which evah 1 is winnin, thats who bernard is goin wit. AA battery is one emotional motherfucker. shit goes down when you mention his gay pride. lil wayne is his hero dawg he's obsessed with him, in a homosexual way. don't even get me started on his swaggarific walk. bugs bunny bernard.. tru g.
Invented peanut-butter and the television.
a homelss wigger kid with a little dick chronic masterbator
n. A Clutch play; eleventh hour savior
A robot known for it's awesomeness and sarcasm. This robot is also known for playing games and travelling the world in search of high scores.
Douche bag communist liberal hipster jew that always thinks he is right when he really knows nothing. Someone that also drives a red car with their name on the back window.
Talented young point guard with lots of potential.Plays for the Houston Rockets, and will most likely help them out a lot in the 2009-201o season.
The coolest kid ever.
The fucking asshole who shot The Founding Father Alexanded Hamilton and killed him
the act of sticking a live mammal into your rectum via a paper towl roll
A young male with a small penis. He is always desperate and horny