meaning and definitionaaroncochran
mean? Here you find 1
meanings of aaroncochran
The timeless art of tricking your woman while she is layin in bed looking for the remote for the tv. You carefully tell her "here it is" but have your weiner in your hand under the covers so she grabs your boner instead. This is usually performed when the man comes home after drinkin and she is already clearly not in the mood.
A vaginal dilator.
To be so physically cold that you feel like an iceberg...
Is a halfer. Usually shy and quiet but once you get past the barrier, you'll find someone who's a complete different person. He's loud, weird, funny, sweet, caring and bubbly. He's someone who will say the corniest/sweetest jokes but will still be somewhat funny. He is also very talented. He sings VERY well... "I LALALALLALALA I DO." He dances well especially when it comes to dougie-ing. Not only that, but he also plays drums and violin. Aaron is very intelligent; usually a straight A student. He's also a great friend; he's good at listening to your problems, he doesn't judge you, he's a great supporter and will always be there for you. Although people talk about him, he is wanted by MANY women. BILLIONS (not literally) of girls want him because he is so cute but the problem is, he doesn't want any of them. If only he gave those girls a chance, they would be able to see how truly sweet and caring he is. But just a warning, Aaron's not funny ;)) jkjkjk
When one has the illusion that they are sexy, while in reality, they are the exact opposite.
(note: Most useful when your boss is named Aaron) a task dictated by your boss, that while not especially time sensitive, the completion of which will buy you about 10 minutes of peace, till the next aarond.
A dare that is done without hesitation no matter how harsh it might be, as long as there is at least 10 cents payment for the dare required.
a big bald troll who cant play football and likes to rim all the other players and fans of whatever club he is at.
A really devoted boyfriend. One who is hot as hell and damn good in bed. Overall, he's a god.
Aaron Duggan is a male normally coolest with red hair. He can make most people laugh but some he just plainly annoys. He can be smart time from but also can be 'captain obvious'! He is a kind friend that tries to help when you are feeling down. He has made some dumb choices in life, that he hopefully will not do again! If you not careful he will try to compliment you but end up being awkward. So just say thankyou and save yourself the torture
The type of person you want to avoid seeing at a bar at all costs. You know you have encountered an instance of Aaroneas when every female has disappeared.