meaning and definitionAaronic
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meanings of Aaronic
adj, Of or pertaining to Aaron, or to several high dignitaries of the church.
v. to correct or to disprove in a pretentious manner
Ignoring text messages and allowing them to show up as read first.
a person who knows how to have a good laugh and always there for people when they are down! he is such an amazing friend and would do anything for everyone, but sometimes people with the name ''aaron ireland'' are fat lol. love ya xxxxxxxxxx
Aaronishia is so sweet and intelligent young lady. She also is beautiful with a heart of gold.
Aaronism is the most holy of all religions. If thou practices any other form of religion, thou ist doing it wrong. In order to worship Aaron, one must believe in the sexy, amazing, and godly powers of the most gorgeous beast of a man(god) that is Aaron. One must get down and pray every day to Aaron. Sacrifice is always welcome and, in fact, recommended. Gifts of 1% milk and sharp cheddar cheese are the propr custom if one wishes to build a shrine. Conversion to Aaronism requires one to pay a fee of $1000000. You'd better believe it's worth it!
The effects of being loved by a great guy named Aaron.
when, in an attempt to improve a project or assignment, one continually makes said project worse until it fails horribly, attempting and failing to correct each new problem created by aaronizing
To unwillfully destroy by use of excessive force.
A really good looking guy who is mixed he's Puerto Rican, Italian, Mexican & White. He's in a really popular group at school and his parents are loaded. He drives a Range Rover. He's a Senior year of 2011. He wants to be a plastic surgeon or dentist. The kid has a good head on his shoulders. He has great style, a girlfriend a guys are envious of at school, has a hot body, and a amazing personality but cocky at times. He's a MySpace celebrity he has over 40,000 friends on his friends list.
A total boss with the best afro a mexican can get. Plays soccer and golf but wants to play football. Very muscular but not too too big. Has a bomb barely younger than him cousin, who looks up to him like an older brother. Overall he is the best of the best and a total beast at sports.