aarrgh meaning and definition

aarrgh meaning

The triumphant battle cry of an aeronautical pirate.

Read also:

aarrghh meaning

An acceptable word in scrabble, believe it or not.

Aarron meaning

Aarron:A legend among men and women, confident and funny, smart and intelligent. A people person

Aarrrgasm meaning

n: The act of achieving sexual climax whilst either dressed as a pirate, or watching pirate-themed pornography.


A noise someone exclaims when he/she desperately needs something-for instance, a new PC.

aarschgnoddle meaning

n. the Pennsylvania Dutch term for what is commonly called dingleberries. Centuries old. Usually used to describe a condition in livestock. And your mom.

aarsh meaning

hairy, vegetarian, meat-eating, guy loving homosexual, homeless and jobless cave man who runs around naked with a club.

aarshi meaning

sweet little babe who's way too cool for her friends!!

Aarsi meaning

When a male inserts his penis in between a girl's boobs and cums while he sucks the milk out of her boobs.

aart meaning

A person with a hilarious facial deformity. Every where he goes people stare and laugh at this poor bastard.

aartard meaning

The correct way to spell aartard, from South Park meaning Retard. or someone who doesnt know something.