aatm meaning and definition

aatm meaning

Away At The Moment Used in chat for away messages or however you find fit.....

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Aatma meaning

A spiritual beauty that defines numbers like 134.Her name means soul.

Aatman meaning

A big Indian guy who holds a serious death stare in all situations. He grunts when he wants some and plays Warcraft instead of doing homework. He is obsessed with Taylor Swift. He doesn't do homework because he's freakin' smart, and he always picks up his three best friends from their dorms because HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING and HE DOESN'T CARE. When someone disrespects him, he says WHAT'D YOU DOOOO? He loves the environment, and drives a cool car. He has rice in his parking garage from his friend puking after hookah. He likes naked parties with Jefe.

AATP meaning

"All About The Physical."- a person who only seeks the physical aspect of a relationship and doesn't care at all about any emotional connection.

aatrox meaning

A sport/game commonly played in the Caribbean where brothers take turns stabbing a chunk of meat to find the pellet or bullet which it was killed by.

AATST meaning

an abbreviation for the phrase "all at the same time"

aatta kaari meaning

a girl that is not proper; someone that likes to chill in the streets; the opposite of being proper, prudent, innocent, decent

AATW meaning

A US military expression: Airborne All The Way.

aaty meaning

a girl who sex-texts with other girl's boyfriends. She'll also text him in the middle of the night with the cover of an online game. her voice tingles with excitement when she calls MP, also responds to the name Heather Neldner or pop tart.

AAU meaning

Amateur Athletics Union. Basically an extra league for most sports such as basketball, baseball, and other sports. Usually for really good players that are trying to get looked at by scouts. AAU teams enter different tournaments for their sport and at least for basketball, enter showcases.

Aaudair meaning

The last name of one of the most powerful families known to man. They are secretly hidden in other families for safety purposes. One day they will regain control of the world.