abalamaese meaning and definition

abalamaese meaning

The english spoken by rednecks in alabama

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Abalan meaning

1. A type of rare shellfish found only in New England, most commonly around Winsted. It's screech sounds unusually like the car horn from the Dukes of Hazard. 2. An annoying fat kid who plays World of Warcraft too much; commonly found in Winsted. It's screech sounds unusually like the car horn from the Dukes of Hazard.

Abalastow Compendium meaning

The body of knowledge surrounding the "Abalastow", a modern political figure of uganda. http://blog.lib.umn.edu/pemb0031/abalastowcompendium/

A balcony you can perform Shakespeare from meaning

A huge ass. Also know as a shelf, badunkadunk, or bubble butt.

Abale meaning

Used when you want to call someone whose name is unknown. Tipically used by stupid Israeli Arses. Used vastly in the IDF.

abalicious meaning

a person who has abs that is umm umm good!

abalitical meaning

describes mental ability

a ball meaning

3.5 grams of cocaine, or yakk. Could also be called an 8 ball.

A balless mike meaning

A man who is whipped by a fat ass bi-polar bitch and doesn't have the balls to stand up to 'it'. A man who was obviously absent the day they handed out balls. A man who does everything in his power to obey his mammoth of a woman, but will never again be reunited with his balls she keeps in a jar.

a balloon to a blimp meaning

An expression of supreme indifference in the face of adversity. Connotes an attitude of nonchalance, indifference regardless of the circumstances.

aballoshnich meaning

a weinershnichel with no wiener