abalone meaning and definition

abalone meaning

A shell sea mollusk animal whose she'll is lined with mother-of-pearl

abalone meaning

There's a game called Abalone where marbles are pushed around a chinese-checker-like board. Getting "Abaloned" is when your marbles are knocked out of the game. That is, you get worked.

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Abaloosedooz meaning

Microsoft operating system (in development)Features include: -improved upon vista/windows 7 user interface by asking even more if the user wants to do said action -the built-in Abaloosedooz program causes the hard drive spin so fast that it causes a space time rip in your computer thus causing unlimited amount of memory. -supposed to be released in conjunction with the sibling program, "Dimbydonky", which was supposed to allow transportation between two computers using core Abaloosedooz programming -downgraded Paint (more...) -Every Friday the 13th of each year, it delivers a plethora of black cats, broken mirrors, and open salt shakers (dispensed out of the CD drive)

A Bama meaning

Some afro- americans from the South who talk slow, get drunk and probably end up sleeping with their cousins or who grew up poor who hate people who go to college.

abambulicious meaning

a girl with big boobs big ass and has perfect curves through out the body and is amazing looking

Abamillo meaning

A street name in a ghetto neighborhood in a crappy little town. Like fucked up armadillo.

A BamSam meaning

A person who thinks they're a parkour master, who is actually an epic fail.

aban meaning

A term used to describe Aubarn University's future in college sports.

a banana meaning

1. A yellow fruit that you peel and eat 2. Sometimes referred to as a cock

abanas meaning

the toe jam or crusties found between the toes of a monkey or ape. sometimes even in a human foot

a band meaning

A band is another way to say one thousand dollars.

abandcalledboy meaning

A strange tingling sensation beneath the left testicle.