Baader Meinhof Gang meaning and definition

Baader Meinhof Gang meaning

A radical left-wing revolutionary terrorist group active in Germany from 1968 until 1977. They later became known as the Red Army Faction (RAF). The RAF was founded in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof.

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Baader-Meinhof-kol meaning

Upon learning about the Baader-Meinhof effect, it is easy to build a cognitive bias that allows a large portion of ones experiences to be categorised as coincidence under said effect. The Baader-Meinhof-kol effect is the name of the affliction one suffers when one continually passes off correlations as coincidence when in fact they are not.To believe in coincidence excessively to the detriment of oneself.

baadi meaning

a hindi slang for bra an under garment worn by women in india to support thier breasts

Baadium meaning

Used if you dont believe someone's statement or story Usually used to interrupt someone to get them pissed offStarted by Chris and Ronnie Giusti, MKC

BAADJ meaning

The acronym for Broke As A Damn Joke. Pronounced Baahdge or simply B.A.A.D.J.

baadu meaning

in Tamil, It means breast or boobs.

Baae meaning

Before almost anyone else - To be used when you want someone to know that there is someone very special in your life (who is bae), but they themself are still a high priority.

BAAF meaning

A term used to describe vomiting, or general disgust or displeasure in almost any situation. Usually said while throwing up, or with a facial gesture imitating someone barfing.

Baag meaning

Short acronym for: being amused and/or giggling. One step below laughing out loud or lol

baagee meaning

A term for "traitor" lifted from the Maldivian Dhivehi language.Since the February 2011 coup that removed democratically elected president Mohamed Nasheed from office, the opposition frequently refers to the dictatorship and supporters as "baagee."The term is coming into broader use thanks to social media.