Babac meaning and definition

Babac meaning

Babac - adjecitive Meaning: Incredibly brave, fearless, just whatever you want to be, Babac is.

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babaca meaning

The word used in Brazil to define a jerk or a silly person.

Babacanoosh meaning

Arabic Word for Penis

Babaching meaning

A babe, a jolly good person or a mate.

Babacious meaning

Looking like a babe; young, hot, flirtatious, yet discerning.

baba-cool meaning

French word for hippie.

Babacups meaning

1. A high-octane, no hold's bard drinking game which consists of throwing bottle caps into an item of your choice*, most preferably a type of bonnet hat, and giving or taking drinks depending on if your bottle cap gets into the item or not. - It is also necessary for one of the members of the game to "Zamboni" the caps up after they are extinguished in order to begin the next round. - Standard bras can also be brought into the game for members to wear on their head, temporarily turning the game into "Brabacups", in which no rules change, except for the fact that members now carry standard bras on their head. - Also, while the game is in play, the phrase "Babacup" can be used to refer to anything and everything at any time. - Speaking in Italian/French/Hungarian accents during Babacups is also a common form of play. (!WARNING!- Babacups is highly addictive and completely insane) *not to be confused with the standard game "Bottle Caps", which has now become officially lame.

babada meaning

1. When having sex with a girl, it's the sound of your balls slapping her ass and your legs double timing the sound as they hit her legs. The repetition of this sound makes the sound babada babada etc... 2. When you see a girl so hot that you know if you got with here your nuts would go Babadababadababada.

babada boopy meaning

peter griffin's way of speaking italian

babadapoopie meaning

a word to use when you are pissed off at an Italian. a curse word