b0dy shrub
meaning and definitionb0dy shrub
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meanings of b0dy shrub
A group chat that was originated as a fan club but grew to much more. Since the beginning more than 15 people have been in and out and is the most known group chat in Johnson county. Often used for sending homework, fucking with people, or just talking about random stuff. Often referred to as "the shrub". Some members are more involved than others, while some people claim to just be in it for homework, others claim it to be a lifestyle.
i)What minds turn into when left infront of the Internet too long. ii)The watery uninhabited parts ;English. iii)WHERE THE SHITS AT111
Name for Bjugis, also gays
An expression of unknowedness. May be used in place of "darn", "uhh...", "crap!", or "beef."
a angrogonous lesbian
An Internet-popular way to type "boy", "teenage male", "man", or "boyfriend", usually practiced by l33t and gh3tt0 individuals.
billy corgan... lead guitarist in the smashing pumpkins
The scandal in which two overzealous Smashing Pumpkins fans reportedly involved in a felonious lessening of soul-burning potential by leaking photos for the band's latest album.
when something is or when someone looks really good .
anagram of n00b, or noob. means the same thing as the above. common variation is b0n0tron.
Pop a stiffy, get hard.