Baba Bookey meaning and definition

Baba Bookey meaning

The name which should have been used for the autobiographical book, They Call Me Baba Booey, written by Howard Stern Show producer Gary Dell'Abate, (AKA Baba Booey), published in 2010.

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a super hot chick with big boobs, small waist, big ass, thick thighs, and sculpted calves.

Bababoosh meaning

A drink/concoction of the Gods.Aids you in the slick departament.Used by the more lively gentleman to provde a certain BOOM to a night out.Can contain vodka/rum/absinthe etc.mixed in a plastic bottle for maximum transport capabilities.

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Similar to boost (to blow out of proportion or to exaggerate)

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Sound of a gun that has been shot.

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man who watches too much tv and makes obscure movie references that only 1 in 500 actually understand

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A babe, a jolly good person or a mate.

Babacious meaning

Looking like a babe; young, hot, flirtatious, yet discerning.