baba meaning and definition

baba meaning

Baba- someone special, sounds like: Baby except with an a.

baba meaning

baba means father in many languages in others it means grandma or old woman

baba meaning

baba is the ukranian word for grandma

baba meaning

"Baba" is the affectionate name given to the masseur in the YouTube video "World's Greatest Head Massage," filmed in Pushkar. It shows a man named Christian receiving a massage with applications of cosmic energy by Baba.Many people use this video to help them relax

baba meaning

A farsi word meaning dad. It is commonly used before calling out another person's name as to say "hey" before their name is called.

baba meaning

Any individual with a propensity for accidental self harm, generally these accidents contain a wildly humorous component.i.e. deadening ones own leg and attempting to walk around with a jelly leg

baba meaning

Russian: grandmother as spoken by children (in the same way as papa and mama for father and mother respectively). The full version is "babushka" Russian slang referring to a woman: chick Russian slang referring to a man: lightly offensive suggestion that the person, who this is referred to is not manly enough, whimsical.

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when you have to take out a super size tampon with no blood on it and it really hurts like a mother fucker

baba aguonette meaning

a baby's bottle

Babaal meaning

Nepali slang for excessive amount of something

BaBaam meaning

1. When you spot out a hot chick you say "BaBaam" to make everyone with you aware of her.2. Just a way of celebrating a victory.

Babaash meaning

Moonshine made from fruit

ba bab meaning

its a term used to say WTF or to be in shocked suprised.also used to adress someone without using there name the shorten term would be bab

bababa meaning

a word used by a baby to call somebody he loves

bababab meaning

The greatest term created in a facebook chat to ever be created. It is a modified version of the term "hahaha" "lol" or "rofl" or any other sort of laughing. This term is a sign of a great conversation between two really cool people.

ba ba ba ba ba bra ann meaning

Formal name for Barbie. Name of a Beach Boys Record about a rockin and rollin female. A catchy tune, for sure.

babababoobees meaning

when a person with a stutter tries to say boobies