meaning and definitionC-130
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meanings of C-130
The best plane ever built and everything in the UD definition above is true except that none of the 51 variants of the C-130 is amphibious.
C-130 Hercules The C-130 is a US vehicle transport plane. It is amphibious. It was tested in 1954. It could serve thirteen different roles and has fifty-one variants. All the C-130 variants can perform tactical airlifts and humanitarian relief, eight are aerial tankers, three are commanding aircrafts, one is a maritime patrol aircraft, two fly special operations, six are search and rescue, two are VIP transports, one flies reconnaissance missions, one is an airborne hospital, four fly support to the Arctic and Antarctic regions, three control unmanned aircraft, three cover electronic warfare, three are responsible for space and missile operations, six are for test and evaluation purposes, and five are gunships. The AC-130J is one of the most lethal planes in existence, and the C-130J is one of the best mobile hospitals, the RC-130J is one of the best recon planes out there, and the EC-130J is one of the best aerial command and control posts that ever flew. Type: multipurpose plane Dimensions: span 40.4m; length 34.37m; height 10.1m Payload: 19500kg Speed: 625km/h Range: 5100km Ceiling: 10668m
Hercules Transport Aircraft.
know as a group of gang members that represent both crip and norte that reside in north highlands ca and are a major casue of the rise in killings in north highlands ca in sacramento
A code used, usually by guys, when an attractive woman(women) is(are) somewhere nearby and the other guys need to be notified without alerting said attractive woman(women) that she(they) is(are) being observed.This is usually used in an office atmosphere, in a retail chain outlet over the loudspeaker or in mixed company.
A leaded racing fuel used in turbocharged, supercharged, or nitrous injected vehicles. It is good for up to a 17:1 compression ratio. -C16 is blue in color and smells kind of like cherries. -The octance of C16 is roughly 117. -It is the spec fuel for the NHRA Top Eliminator class -The specific gravity is .735 at 60* Farenheit.
C-160 Gabriel The C-160 Gabriel is a French multipurpose plane. It could fly cargo or reconnaissance. It could also act as an airborne command and control center. It was introduced in 1962. It has two turboprop engines. It has high mounted wings. Type: multipurpose plane Dimensions: span 40m; length 32.4m; height 11.67m Payload: 20000kg Speed: 515km/h Ceiling: 80000m
Cargo Plane by Mcdonnell Douglas (Now merged with Boeing) that first flew for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and is widely used for the USAF. (United States Air Force) The C-17 has logged over 3,000,000 hours. Full name C-17 Globemaster III Not as big as the C-5, but is pretty big.
C-185 Skywagon The C-185 Skywagon is a US reconnaissance biplane. It was introduced in July of 1960. It could carry six people. It could be used for cargo or reconnaissance purposes. Type: recon/transport biplane Dimensions: span 10.92m; length 7.81m Payload: 750kg Speed: 283km/h Range: 1575km Ceiling: 5500m
C 187 refers to the California Penal Code section for Murder in the first degree. All other human killings are some form of manslaughter. The "C" in the term "C 187" refers to the word "Code" in "California Penal Code".
Cover one's ass-a note or anything done to keep one from getting their ass chewed out for known/unknown things.
The art of seeing something something and feeling an intense calling (from a powerful force, like God) to be something.
An overrated skateboard shoe companie. Get fallens or emericas, and to the fucknut who said emericas are like vans, thats what c1rcas are, and I have emericas, had emericas, love emericas, and I have a baker deck and some skintight jeans. But fuck reynolds, Kevin Long is the shit.